Last night, while my other half was preparing pickled tea-leaves salad,
I noticed the moon, which was practically bigger than usual and different in
color, from our balcony. Then he told me that it might be lunar eclipse.
Obviously, it was the lunar eclipse and I took a few pictures but did not really
have a chance to see the full moon after eclipse. Anyway, as usual, here comes
my snapshots and hope you all like them.
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Sunday, December 11, 2011
Sunday, November 13, 2011
public health n. The science and practice
of protecting and improving the health of a community, as by preventative
medicine, health education, control of communicable diseases, application of
sanitary measures, and monitoring of environmental hazards.
- The American Heritage Dictionary
The collective personal health of a population is
the public health. Social, cultural, economic, and political factors all
contribute to the overall wellness of the community. Measuring the impact of
diseases on population is prerequisite to determine effective ways to reduce
the burden of illness. As individual longevity increases, frailty, chronic
disease, and disability rise while physical, mental and cognitive capacities
Yes, you have arrived at the right destination, to
“my blog” about nothing special, to be exact. Anyway, I’d love to share one
beautiful thing that I witnessed in one particular clinic last Sunday.
Generally, non-communicable diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and
asthma do not pose imminent threats to public health. In addition, they are not
a major cause of morbidity, disability, and mortality worldwide but without
effective interventions for the treatment and control, they can affect people
lives especially in developing countries.
As an effort to help people suffering those
diseases, a group of physician and general practitioners are integrated into
team to deliver primary health care services at Mhan Kinn Monastery, Thar Kay
Ta, Yangon. It is just a small service orientation action, which was founded 4
years ago to help needed patients. Funding mostly comes from the founder’s
family and their acquaintances and the clinic opens every Sunday from 8 a.m to
12 a.m. The patient can get their blood sugar level tested either for free or
for 500 kyats /person depending on ones’ socio-economic status. ECG can be
tested if necessary. Then, based on the previous medical record and recent
examination, the patient can get necessary medicines for coming week or weeks
for free. Of course, the patient has to provide the used tablet covers to make
sure their regular medication intake and to prevent potential fraud.
In my opinion, it simply functions to bridge the
gap between patients and health resources, between communities and primary
healthcare services. Access to care is increased when it provides free
consultation and medicines for a week or more based on the symptoms. Overall,
information, health education, and communication strategies concerning disease
patterns and risk factors are still lacking in the community. Advocacy is
extremely important in prevention and control of their diseases, as I can’t
help but hearing their daily habits in life: smoking, lack of physical
exercises, excessive consumption of unhealthy food ingredients, etc.
1. Markle W H. et al, 2007, Understanding Global Health, Mc Graw Hill,
Friday, November 11, 2011
Yangon Illuminated
Everyday seems sunny and life, with all the people, appear to be normal. The curtain behind which portrays struggle, happiness, sorrow, melancholy, enlightenment, redemption, etc. What about mine? It was and still is the total boredom, and now that I am back to blogoshpere, I hope my life is like a Mardi Gras!!!
Saturday, October 29, 2011
My Favorite Supernatural Moment
I have been watching Supernatural since forever and yes, I usually watch those episodes alone. The series do open a new chapter to ghosts, angels and demons, of course, some of the incidents are very similar to our culture. Whenever I watch this series about ghosts, my other half get confused as I am afraid of them most of the time, lol!!! Speaking of ghosts, now Bangkok is like a ghost town, and I am going to leave the place due to long holidays and sincerely hope that flood situation is getting better. Wander why on earth did I upload the You Tube video? Well, this very act by Jensen Ackles (Dean Winchester) from Supernatural makes me laugh, less bitter and always turns me into a good mood. It kind of hurts when I can't enjoy that very performance in my blog and have to watch that on You Tube!!! And off I go to .....
Thursday, October 27, 2011
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warning has issued for Bangkok and everyone is aware of growing flood threat
and prepares to brace for inundation. Though I live in soi-disant low risk area,
my stress level has risen every time I watch news. My thoughts ware oscillating
between anxiety and calmness during these days: evacuate before too late or
sit, wait and prepare for the worst. I have been asked two popular questions by my fellow Bankokians several times: “Have
you stockpiled food?” and “Has the flood reached to your doorstep?”. When it
comes to storing up food, I am clueless and dumb: rice, water, oil and that’s
about it and honestly I can’t compete with the frenzied shoppers. By the way, you can
buy gold anywhere in Bangkok, but bottled water are scarce and I feel like a
fool wandering around empty shelves supermarket.
is the time I wish I were a guy, who can heave sandbags and help the victims,
rather than someone rely entirely on some person. So-called flood holidays
(27-31 October) officially begin and I have no idea what to do, and definitely not
comfortable about being a sitting duck at my own place. Even though I live in
multi-storey building, it is still stressful, please try not to laugh at my inquietude: if the flood reaches the
designated point, electricity will be cut off, and probably no water supply. As
for house protection, all I can do is help heaving sand bags around the building,
check the community Facebook page for coming up meetings, and hope for the
best. One major problem is getting myself informed though I watch news,
connected with social pages, and read the news websites incessantly. I don’t
want to participate in blame-game played by politicians and not really fond of
media circus and attention hungry politicians. All I want is accurate and
up-to-date information of what to expect in coming days. Accepting reality and
adjusting myself to new situation are not that easy and I am really grateful
for those who care about my well-being.
Ta-ta for now and wish all the best of luck to flood victims.
Flood Battle Spectacular
Thailand pictures , news in pictures , photo in ThailandTuesday, October 25, 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Genting Highlands at a Glance
Looking back the Genting trip, it was all fuzzy; I surely wasn’t
prepared for the cable ride, and the cold weather. It was windy, rainy
afternoon and we went to the mountain peak by cable car, aka South East Asia’s
longest gondola ride. The ride? While someone is trilled to pieces, someone
else might be thinking of his/her worst nightmare just for being on the cable,
right? I didn’t get lucky enough to see the breathtaking scenic beauty of
surrounding hills like in this post 1 and post 2 by my
fellow blogger. Moreover, due to heavy rain, we did not have a chance to see
how marvelous is the Outdoor Theme Park, but no worries, you can still read the
following enchanting post 1 and post 2 by
another fellow blogger too. I have to admit, the Indoor Theme Park is also fun
and exciting with all the shops, and rides. What I miss most from that day trip
is the relatively cool climate and I really would love to spend a few days at the Genting Highlands to
check out nightlife, to witness the picturesque view from the room, etc.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Fried Durian by Durian Addict
love this creamery, odorant, and yummy durian fruit and unsurprisingly most of
my family members enjoy eating it too. Normally, I cook the durian with boiled
coconut milk by adding sugar, a pinch of salt and keep it in the freezer for dessert. Apart from durian chips, I enjoy eating
fried durian too. Calories
counters may not want to try the following snack. It is so easy that everyone
could do it at home in a snap. I use Gogi tempura batter mix, add salt, sugar
and mix with water. Place the peeled durian into the dough, and fry them and serve!!! My apologies for the post if you don’t fancy eating durian at all.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Colmar Tropicale, Berjaya Hill
Colmar Tropicale in Bukit Tinggi is one of the best places
I have visited in Malaysia. It is in fact, an hotel from Berjaya
Hotels and Resorts chain, situated within an hour drive from KL. My first
sensation when I reached the Japanese Garden was the clean air, probably the
cleanest air I breathed in the past few years. The way up to the Japanese
Garden was very steep and I had to stop a few moments to catch my breath. We
were told that there would be cables soon but for now, we needed to keep on
walking, lol!!!
Following the Japanese Garden, I went to visit, yes, just visit, not
stay, at the French themed village. I love its concept, Colmar tropicale,
constructed as one French city from Haut-Rhin, namely Colmar, the third largest
city after Strasbourg and Mulhouse in Alsace region. I was thrilled to literally
see the storks (Cigogne), typical alsacienne timber-framed building (maisons à colombages) and the signage in Colmar
Tropicale. The cold breeze and the greeneries could have persuaded anyone to
stay for one night, but we were just appeased with this short visit as there
was nothing much we could do except strolling around the resort, enjoy the
cooling weather, stay in the room or dining at the restaurants.
My Blogroll
Big Red2 months ago
Soon to be moving new home4 years ago
The 5 Commandments of And How Learn More4 years ago
Egg and cheese tortilla5 years ago
調理師でさまざまな条件を検索できる求人サイト5 years ago
Well, you get what you pay for5 years ago
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Happy 20187 years ago
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Hello world!7 years ago
" အစဥ္ထာ၀ရ " ( ၂၂ )7 years ago
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ကိုင္တြယ္ျခင္း အနုပညာ8 years ago
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ငိုညည်းတဲ့ အသည်းများ....9 years ago
Frida Kahlo’s Wooden Leg9 years ago
၈ႏွစ္ၿပည္႔ အမွတ္တရ9 years ago
ဧဒင္ဗရာရဲ႔ေႏြ10 years ago
တေန႕တာ အေတြး ( ၁၈၊၈၊ ၂၀၁၄ )10 years ago
ကၽြန္ေတာ႕ အေတြ႕အၾကံဳမ်ား ၄11 years ago
စိတ္အခ်ဥ္ေပါက္ျခင္း11 years ago
ရန္ကုန္ကိုျပန္ခဲ႔တယ္12 years ago
Carrot Cup Cake12 years ago
50.1 ဘ၀ထဲ ရြာလည္ၾကသူမ်ား12 years ago
၂.၉.၂၀၁၂ တနဂၤေႏြေန႕ ဆြမ္းေလာင္းလွဴျခင္း12 years ago
You asked, we listened: more Android!12 years ago
เค้กเต่าทอง ไอเดียเค้กวันเกิดสำหรับเด็กๆ12 years ago
တရားစခန္း13 years ago
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"In truth we are not individuals; and it is because we think ourselves such that death seems unforgivable."
Will Durant
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