I have been watching Supernatural since forever and yes, I usually watch those episodes alone. The series do open a new chapter to ghosts, angels and demons, of course, some of the incidents are very similar to our culture. Whenever I watch this series about ghosts, my other half get confused as I am afraid of them most of the time, lol!!! Speaking of ghosts, now Bangkok is like a ghost town, and I am going to leave the place due to long holidays and sincerely hope that flood situation is getting better. Wander why on earth did I upload the You Tube video? Well, this very act by Jensen Ackles (Dean Winchester) from Supernatural makes me laugh, less bitter and always turns me into a good mood. It kind of hurts when I can't enjoy that very performance in my blog and have to watch that on You Tube!!! And off I go to .....
A sandwich for a Saturday
4 hours ago
ဆိုုက္ဘားမွာ မြန္ ့ပိုု ့စ္အသစ္ေလးျမင္လိုုက္ေတာ့ စိတ္ေအးသြားတယ္ နဲနဲ။ အက္လိစ္..မြန္ ေအးေအးေဆးေဆးဘဲလိုု ့သိလိုုက္ရလိုု ့ေလ။
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ေနာက္ထပ္ ျမင့္တက္မယ္လို႔ေရာ သိရတယ္။
ေသခ်ာ ဂရုစိုက္ေနာ္။ ေရွာင္စရာရွိရင္ ေရွာင္လိုက္ပါ။
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အားလံုး ေဘးရန္ကင္းပါေစ ဆုေတာင္းေပးေနပါ့မယ္။
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