It is just another post about the Thai foods; another cliché I might say and I don’t know how to cook most of them. Well, I can make delicious chicken basil and green curry chicken, other than that everyone would give my dish a pass. I have never envisioned myself enjoying those foods than any food in the last few days. They are just simply delicious and the ambiance is very nice: the very restaurant is called Floating Restaurant, situated near the bridge on River Kwai, Kanchanaburi. No, I didn’t set foot on the bridge due to my phobia and just happy as a lark for who I am.
Catherine O’Hara Used to Ghost Her Dates
9 hours ago
It looks very delicious. I want to try it. You are very lucky to have such kind of nice Asian cuisine :)
En effet, ces plats sont si bons que l'on peut/veut en manger autant de fois que possible. Tu as vraiment de la chance de les avoir à ta portée.
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