Well, how many of you guys have plans to
celebrate the day? Me? yes, I did have one, like going to a restaurant, buying
us a cake and asking my other half to be my Valentine, but my plan fells short
finally. Anyway, I do make some strawberry jam at home for my family and his
and I think what can be sweeter than homemade strawberry jam today. I have to
admit that it is not my recipe; it is all Jamie
Oliver’s and thanks a lot for teaching me how from the show. Just like he said,
for 2 kilos of strawberries, I add 300 grams of sugar and smashed them first.
Then, stir and bring them to boil. When it boils, turns the stove to medium
heat and, skims the foam every 5 minutes. When the color turns to deep red, I
have got myself a nice homemade strawberry jam, which is not for me by the way, and I am happy to give those to my beloved ones. Happy Valentine Day everyone, especially
you, my beloved AiR, Happy Anniversary too!!!
A sandwich for a Saturday
4 hours ago
I love home make strawberry jam too...
Be your Valentine sis....
Happy Valentine , Mon!
မြန္႕ စေတာ္ဘယ္ရီကို ျမင္မွ
စေတာ္ဘယ္ရီနဲ႕ ဒိန္ခ်ဥ္စားရမွာကို သတိယတယ္
မဟုတ္ရင္ ဒီေန႕ကေန ေက်ာ္သြားေတာ့မွာ။
ခ်ိဳျမိန္တဲ့ စေတာ္ဘယ္ရီခ်စ္သူမ်ားေန႕ပါ။
Very yummy homemade strawberry jam. Is 14 Feb your anniversary too? How romantic! Happy Anniversary :)
ေပ်ာ္ရႊင္ဖြယ္ခ်စ္သူမ်ားေန႔ျဖစ္ပါေစ မြန္ေရ။
စေတာ္ဘယ္ရီကိုၾကည့္ရင္းသြားရည္က်လာၿပီ း))
စေတာ္ဘယ္ရီကို သားေရက်သြားတယ္ မမမြန္ေရ..
စေတာ္ဘယ္ရီသီးက ကဗ်ာဆန္တ႔ဲအသီးလို႔ ေျပာလို႔ရတယ္
ဒီေတာ႔ စေတာ္ဘယ္ရီယိုေလးကလည္း ကဗ်ာဆန္တာေပါ႔ေနာ္
ၾကည္႕ရတာ စားခ်င္စရာ
အေရာင္ေလး လွတယ္ေတာ႔ း)
Thank you all my fellow bloggers for the comments, which always make my life more easier, and hope you all had a great time on that Special day!
The Programme Oliver's kitchen is shown at TLC. :)
အစားအစာဓါတ္ပံုမ်ား အေတာ္သေဘာက်လို႔ မူပိုင္ဘေလာ့ဂ္ကိုေဖာ္ျပျပီး ေဖ့စ္ဘြက္ေပၚတင္ရင္ ခြင့္ျပဳနိုင္ပါသလားရွင့္။
Sis Myat Kyi, I love TLC too.
Dear Grace, of course you can, I am so sorry for my late reply.
Thank you so much :-) I'm new to your page. I found it through Ko Nyi Linn Thit.
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