After spending a couple of hours at the hotel, our cute guide
leaded us to Green Tea Restaurant situated on the brink of the lake. All the
food was delicious and I would like to thank my fellow travelers, a family of
three who allow me to take the following food pictures by my phone before the meal.
They seemed a bit surprised but did not show any unpleasant feelings about my
gesture and I was quite grateful for their reaction. The peaceful ambiance, a
nice view over a lake, a lovely verandah, made our lunch yummier indeed.
A sandwich for a Saturday
5 hours ago
ကန္ေရျပင္ကိုုအေပၚစီးကျမင္ျပီးေအးခ်မ္းတဲ့ေနရာေလးမွာစားေကာင္းေသာက္ဖြယ္ေတြကိုုနားလည္ေႏြးေထြးမွုုရွိတဲ့မိသားစုုနဲ ့စားရတယ္ဆုုိေတာ့ေလာကစည္းစိမ္ဘဲမြန္ေရ။
ရွမ္းစာေတြခ်ည့္ဆုုိပိုုေကာင္းမွာလိုု ့ေတြးရင္း....း)ရွမ္းစာေလးေတြစားတာတင္ေပးအုုန္းေနာ္။
I was hoping to eat eat Shan food during the trip, but the arranged food were mostly Chinese. It did disappoint me a little and now I might have to disappoint my sis Iora for not having some pictures of Shan food from the trip. Take care sis!!!
ဘုတ္တလုတ္ကန္မဟုတ္လားအမ... ပင္းတယေရာက္ေတာ့ အဲဒီကန္ကို ေတာင္ေပၚကေနပဲၾကည့္ခဲ႔ရတယ္...။ ေပ်ာ္စရာခရီးသြားပို႔စ္ေနာက္ထပ္အဆက္ေလးကိုေမွ်ာ္ေနမယ္...း)
Definitely sis Moe Ngwe Lay!
စိတ္ဝင္စားစရာ blog ေလးကို လာလည္သြားတယ္ေနာ္...း)
Thank you Ma Chaw Su, I really love your cooking too!!!
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