When you are in foreign country, you probably want to try their local food and that’s the reason of all the following dishes. Nobody even think of having noodle soup or fried noodle for dinner since they grew up eating rice on everyday basic. After considering all available options, like sushi, suki, KFC, everyone chooses to eat at the food court where they find a lot of dishes with appealing textures and tastes. Well, they are not complaining about the tastes, so I guess those dishes were delicious enough. There is no interesting point here, but I would like to thank everyone to let me take pictures of their plates before they got a chance to eat their food.
Catherine O’Hara Used to Ghost Her Dates
10 hours ago
look soooo yummy!!!.... wanna eat now...
Hmm...le cresson d'eau me paraît trop appétissant sur la 2ème photo.
J'imagine que s'il y a un bloggeur parmi les amis, et bien, tout le reste du groupe ne peut même plus manger de manière tranquille, lol. La façon dont tu as écrit me fait rire... :D
They look very yummy indeed, KuuKuu!!!
Le même situation arrive aujourd'hui aussi, Ko NLT.
Ils me demandent si je voulais prendre des photos ou pas avant de manger les repas, lol!!!
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