I have been absent from my lovely blog community for several days due to various reasons. Well, I am not complaining about what happened, what is happening and what might happen, actually, I am as happy as a clam at high tide to be back to blogoshere again. The following are the snapshots from Motorcycles show @ Central World and cute Coyote Dancers, who dance on stage or pose @promotional shows.
Guess what. I lost a few shots to those competing photographers!!! |
I wish I could spend a mere 1 million Bahts for this lovely Harley!
အေပၚဆံုးက ပံုေလးကဘူေလးလဲ
ေခ်ာလိုက္တာ။ ေၾကာ္ျငာတဲ့လူေတြက
အျဖဴေရာင္တို႔ အျပာေရာင္ေလးတို႔လို
၀တ္တယ္ေလ မဟုတ္လား? အေပၚဆံုးက
တေယာက္ေတာ့ ေၾကာ္ျငာတဲ့ ေမာ္ဒယ္လ္မျဖစ္ႏိုင္ဘူး း)
ဆိုင္၀ယ္တစီးေလာက္ ၀ယ္ေပးပါလားဟင္ းP
အစကေတာ့ အထင္မွားခံရနဲလားဆိုပီး မေျဖဘဲေနမလို႕
အလုပ္ လုပ္ေနတာပါထပ္တင္လိုက္တယ္ Baby ေရ
Disons que je ne suis pas un fan de moto. Mais, s'il y a des "accessoires" comme sur 2ème et 3ème photos, hmmm...cela vaut peut-être la peine d'en acheter une, lol. :D
Merci de partager!!!
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