Wednesday, October 20, 2010


20/10/2010, what a beautiful number, isn’t it? I have no intention to write a post today, BUT, when I see the date, I change my mind. Then I ask myself, “What do I write about?” as I have done nothing but my ordinary routine. Shall I write about how I love all my shoes, which by the way, my other half buys for me, with me or without me? Thanks a lot for that!!! Or shall I tell people how clumsy I am? How moody I am during these days? How I feel whenever I see the COLORED shirt?
I finally decided to give credit to my other half again with this post since he was the one who made this delicious crispy fried gourd. He mixed the flour with water, seasoned it, and kept it overnight. The next day, cut the gourd in pieces, soaked them for a while in a mix and deep-fried them:  here they are, thin and thick crispy fried gourd, better serve with tamarind dip or eat them with traditional fish soup, Mohinga.


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